Established July 1, 2024

Hero’s Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") regarding the handling of personal information of registered users, etc. obtained in connection with the service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") of providing information on animating "Rooster Fighter" (written by Shu Sakuratani) on this website. Unless otherwise defined, the meanings of terms used in this Policy shall conform to the laws and regulations for the protection of personal information.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations

We position the appropriate protection of personal information handled through this Service as an important matter in our business operations and will take all possible measures to protect personal information by complying with the laws for the protection of personal information and other related laws, regulations, and guidelines.

2. Acquisition of personal information

In connection with the use and provision of this Service, we will acquire personal information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of registered users, etc., to the extent necessary for the performance of our business through legal and appropriate means such as web and other screens, SNS, written documents, and verbal communication.

3. Purpose of use of personal information

We will use the personal information provided to us for the following purposes or for purposes to be notified separately. We will not use personal information beyond the scope of such purposes without the consent of the individual, except as permitted by the laws and regulations for the protection of personal information.
(1) To provide and operate our Services, including the following examples
<Examples include the following purposes of use>
- To respond to inquiries, confirm conditions, and provide guidance regarding this Service.
- To provide services related to registration for this Service, management of contracts after registration, and other services related to admission and withdrawal from membership.
- To perform operations related to the distribution of electronic comics, etc., the sale and delivery of goods, and the settlement of payments based on the Service.
- To conduct campaigns, sweepstakes, etc., and to inform winners, send prizes, and contact winners
- To create and analyze statistical data processed in a form that does not allow individuals to be identified (anything that does not fall under Anonymized personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information).
- Research and analysis of marketing data (including implementation of questionnaires), and consideration and implementation of marketing measures
- To improve this Service, and to plan, research and develop new products and services.
- To take necessary actions to resolve disputes, etc.
(2) To provide member services and manage member information for member organizations operated or participated in by the Company
(3) To introduce our products and services and seminars and events in which we participate, and to conduct sales activities such as flyers, direct mail, e-mail newsletters, gifts, monitor campaigns, etc. to introduce our products and services that we believe will be useful to registered users by analyzing information such as browsing history and transaction history that we have obtained.
⑷ To respond to inquiries, complaints, etc. and to improve the quality of such responses, as well as to keep records of such responses.
⑸ Other operations incidental to the above, as well as operations performed for the appropriate and smooth performance of transactions with users and our business operations such as contact for confirmation deemed necessary for business purposes, etc.

4. Handling of outsourcing

To ensure the smooth operation of this Service, we may outsource the handling of personal information to subcontractors (such as payment settlement and information processing, etc.) that we deem appropriate within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use listed in 3. “Purpose of use of personal information” above. In such cases, we will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the subcontractor, such as by concluding a contract regarding confidentiality and handling of personal information in accordance with the laws and regulations for the protection of personal information.

5. Provision of personal data to third parties

We will not provide personal data to third parties without the consent of registered users, etc., except as permitted by Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations. If personal data is provided to a third party based on the consent of a registered user, etc., it will be provided to the third party within the scope necessary to promote this Service and to achieve the purpose of use listed in 3. “Purpose of use of personal information” above.

6. Joint use of personal data

For our Service, we may share the personal information in our possession within the following scope.
(1) Personal information that may be shared
- Name, e-mail address, address, telephone number, date of birth, fax number, gender, company/organization affiliation, occupation, message content, event participation information, survey responses, mail magazine registration information, purchase history, etc.
(2) Joint-use company
- VIZ Media LLC (1355 Market Street, Suite #200 San Francisco, CA 94103)
(3) Purpose of joint use
- Described in “Purpose of use of personal information ".
(4) Chief administrator
- Described in “Name of business, name of representative, address".

7. Procedures for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data

(1) Notification of purpose of use, or disclosure of retained personal data or records of provision to a third party
A. When we receive a request from a registered user, etc., by mail on our designated form, for notification of the purpose of use, or for disclosure of his/her own retained personal data or records of provision to a third party, we will, after confirming the identity of the individual, respond appropriately without delay and to a reasonable extent in accordance with Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations. However, the Company may not disclose the information in any of the following cases. In the case of non-disclosure or non-existence of such retained personal data, a response will be made to that effect.
(i) When disclosure is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person himself or a third party
(ii) When disclosure is likely to cause significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business
(iii) When disclosure would violate laws and regulations
(iv) When we cannot confirm that the request for disclosure is made by the person himself/herself.
B. Please note that a handling fee of 1,200 yen will be charged for each of the above requests for disclosure.

(2) Correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use or elimination, or suspension of provision to third parties of retained personal data
When we receive a request from a registered user, etc. by mail on our designated form to correct, add to, or delete his/her own retained personal data, or to discontinue its use or eliminate it, or to discontinue its provision to a third party, we will, after confirming the identity of the individual, respond appropriately without delay and to a reasonable extent, in accordance with Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations.

(3) Procedures for (1) (2) above
<Requesting address>
SP Jimbocho Building 9F, 2-14 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan
Personal Information Inquiry Desk, Hero’s Inc.
<How to Request>
We will confirm your identity by an appropriate method depending on the method of request. If disclosure is requested by a proxy, we will also confirm the identity of the proxy.
<Our designated form>
Please address inquiries to the Personal Information Inquiry Desk listed in 10. “Contact for inquiries”. We will send you our designated form.
For the fees for requests for disclosure and notification of purpose of use listed in (1) A. above, please enclose a fixed-sum money order (issued by a post office) for 1,200 yen with your request form. If the fee is insufficient or not enclosed, we will contact you to that effect. If payment is not made within the prescribed period, we will assume that no request for disclosure has been made. In the case of non-disclosure or non-notification of the purpose of use, the prescribed fee will also be charged.

8. Safety control measures

We will appropriately manage the personal data handled through our internal management system, technical measures such as system countermeasures, and employee training, and will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal data and to safely manage personal data. For further details, please contact "10. Contact for inquiries ".

9. Continuous improvement

We may change or revise this Policy from time to time as we strive to review accordingly and continuously improve the content of this Policy. Any such changes, etc. will be posted on this website, so please check the latest version of this policy carefully.

10. Contact for inquiries

If you have any questions, complaints, or other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact us at the following address.
[Personal Information Inquiry Desk]
SP Jimbocho Building 9F, 2-14 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan
Personal Information Inquiry Desk, Hero’s Inc.
E-mail address:

11.Handling of Cookie

(1) We use "Cookie" to improve the convenience of this website. "Cookie" is a function that stores information about a registered user's visit to this website in the registered user's computer (or another Internet-capable device such as a smart phone or tablet). Registered users may set their browsers to indicate in advance that the site uses Cookie, disable Cookie, or delete stored Cookie. Please note that if you reject or delete Cookie, the functions available on this website may be limited.

(2) We use "Google Analytics" provided by Google LLC. Google may collect and analyze the browsing history of registered users on this site based on Cookie set by us or Google and we may receive the results of the analysis and use them to understand how registered users are using this site and for our Service. For more information, please refer to our "Web Policy".

12. Name of business, name of representative, address

Business: Hero’s Inc.
Representative: Katsuya Shirai, President and Representative Director
Address: SP Jimbocho Building 9F, 2-14 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan